Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Family time

In front of my parents' tree. Not a big fan of this picture, but posted anyway.

Lookin' good dude!

He doesn't sit still much to take a picture

Dylan cheesin' for the camera (he says "cheese" when doing this)

Although we were sick of the car by Sunday afternoon, we had a great weekend with my family. The weather cooperated during the times we had to drive. We woke up on Saturday morning to a blanket of snow outside my parents' house. Dylan played in the snow (hopefully I will get some pictures of that soon). This was his first time in snow and it was pretty cute! They don't get much of the white stuff in Florida. UofL lost their game on Saturday, but Butler won. Dylan stayed at Brad and Tara's house during the game and played with Brady (their son who is 2 months older than Dylan). Thanks you two! Brady and Dylan seemed to have a lot of fun together. They both have a lot in common--they love Elmo and cars. Typical toddlers. On Sunday my mom made a delicious Christmas meal since this was the only time my immediate family would be together. My mom may not like to cook a lot, but she can cook! Yummy! It was so nice to all be together!

Our baby furniture has arrived!!!! It arrived a little early. Jeremy is going to pick it up tomorrow. Let's just pray that everything is correct. Jeremy ordered doors to put on the closet and those have also arrived. We can now get a move-on with the nursery. Time is ticking!

We are doing Christmas with Jeremy's immediate family this Saturday since his sister, brother-in-law and nieces will be in town. We are looking forward to this weekend and then it will be Christmas! This is my favorite time of year, however, this year we seem to have lots going on (umm, let's see a baby coming in 10 weeks makes one busy) and I have decided not to send out Christmas cards. Ahhh! I hate that it won't happen, but I just faced reality and said there just wasn't enough time to get them out. We also don't have outdoor lights on the bushes this year! The inside of the house looks great! Jeremy is a Scrooge when it comes to decorating so he is not much help in this department. We have had such bad weather over the weekends that I haven't been able to put them out. Now it seems a little too late. I guess I will just have to be forgiven this year for not having outdoor lights and sending out cards. It will still be Christmas, right?

I hope to post again before Christmas with some pictures from this weekend. Until then, enjoy the final days before the holiday!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

A picture of one of the nightstands...a work in progress.

29 weeks

Sorry we haven't written in a while. Between baby planning and Christmas events we have had a lot going on. Jeremy and I took some hours off work to visit daycares. Last week we visited 3 centers and today we visited 2 in-home centers. This is SUCH a difficult decision! Just like when Jeremy and I were looking for a house, we totally look at different things, which is a good thing. He was such a huge help! After leaving one facility he said, "Did you notice how there were no sprinklers in the building?" or "There is lead-based paint all over the windows." Wow! Once again I am so thankful for all his knowledge and experience. We still don't have a daycare resolution, but are working on it. We actually have to find daycare for three situations 1) when I get off maternity leave until I move to Lexington for work for 1 month 2) daycare while I am in Lexington for a month and 3) permanent daycare after Lexington. Lots of decisions! Luckily Jeremy and I have wonderful bosses (actually Heather was my friend first) who are understanding, compassionate and flexible. It will all eventually work out.

I would like to list a few statements that people have said to me lately. I don't know how I am supposed to respond to statements like these!

1.) From a random guy in Subway...He looks at me, then my belly, then back and me and says, "How are you two doing?" (Umm...good???)
2.) "Laura, you definitely look pregnant these days" (Ummm...thanks???)
3.) "Oh, look at you, how cute, you have a waddle." (Note: Don't ever tell a pregnant woman she has a waddle and that it is cute.)
4.) "How are you feeling? You look good. Your nose is changing. Don't worry everyone's nose changes; mine did." (What??? This one I have never heard before and for the record Jeremy says my nose hasn't changed.)

Tonight was the beginning of a new adventure for us: baby classes! Tonight's class was on breastfeeding. We learned a lot and laughed a little too. I laughed most when we had a break during the class and all of the women went to the bathroom and the men stayed back and had cookies.

Jeremy and I are so excited because David (my brother), Carrie (my sister-in-law) and Dylan (my nephew) are visiting this weekend. If you know me well you have heard all about Dylan and seen pictures. They live in Florida and won't be able to come in for Christmas so they are visiting for a long weekend. We are going up to my parents' house on Friday, to Indy on Saturday for the John Wooden Classic (UofL and Butler are both playing) and then Dylan's making his debut at my dad's church on Sunday. It should be a great weekend and I will have some pictures to share.

I will try to post more often and with pictures. I have had requests for every week, but we'll try for every 2 weeks for now. I have had some threatening emails requesting pictures, so here you go Amanda...

Happy Shopping (we still have TONS to do)!