Sunday, December 29, 2013


Our church, Beargrass Christian, starting doing a trunk-or-treat event a few years ago.  It keeps getting better every year.  The girls love it!  They get to see some of their favorite people and get lots of candy.  What is better than that?

Our zebra and UofL cheerleader!

Anthony, Jenny and kids joined us this year.

Look at this sweet ladybug and her daddy!

We started out doing the trunk-or-treating in the parking lot.

A lot of the cars really decorate their trunks.  This is our friend Jay as a gorilla. He freaked Kate out!  

Luckily Grammy and Grandpa's car was not scary.

Too cute!

Next we headed inside to the gym for games and activities.  The youth group organizes lots of fun games for the kids.  They had a big poster for kids to draw and sign their names.

They had a mummy toilet paper game.  Kate and I got wrapped up together and she thought it was pretty funny.

The Wilde crew joined us as well.  

We had a lot of fun again this year!

(One more post and I may be to November pics.  Ha!)
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pretty fall pictures

I took advantage one Sunday after church when the weather was nice AND the girls were both in good moods AND BOTH willing to take their pictures so we did a little photo shoot.  I don't really have much editing software or really want to devote the time to editing, but these turned out pretty good regardless.  I love the fall and all of the colors!


Melt my heart!

Love this one too.  When did they get so big?!?!

Some of my favorites of Kate swinging.

In typical Addie fashion, playing with a bug.

I love these two sweet and sassy girls!
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Fall party

Now that Christmas is over and the crazy December schedule is dying now my goal is to catch-up on the blog.  These pictures seem like they were take a long time ago, but I didn't want to skip over some of these because there are some great pictures/memories during the fall season.

The last Saturday in October I took the girls (Jeremy was on his annual guys' camping trip) to Jeremy's cousin's house for a fall party.  We weren't able to go last year so I was excited we could make it work this year.  The kids wore their costumes and did a few hayrides.


I love this photo of Abigail.  Such joy!

 We then had chili for dinner and then did a pinata followed by s'mores.

 Look at this cute zebra!

It was a great fall night and I hope we continue to have the party every year!
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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bourbon Chase and crafting

Jeremy participated in the Bourbon Chase this year for the first time.  It is a 200 mile relay race along Kentucky's bourbon trail.  There are 12 people on each team and each runner runs three times.  Jeremy ran about 3:00 p.m. on Friday, 1:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning for a total of 18 miles.  Yeah, they were all crazy!  It got really cold at night and rainy on Saturday.  Unfortunately Jeremy's last leg was in the cold rain.  The race ended in Lexington so we went to cheer them on.  Since Jeremy was runner #6 he had already completed his running when the entire team finished, but all but 1 or 2 runners crossed the finish line together.  I am so proud of him for tackling such a big challenge!  Even through the running, lack of sleep (most of the runners say that is the hardest part) and lack of eating much over two days, he immediately said the next day he would do it again.  I take that as him really enjoying it.

Jeremy (in the green) finishing his last leg at Woodford Reserve and passing off his arm band to Chad. (I stole this pic from a team member.  We were not in this rain cheering him on.  Ha!)

Ryan (in the front) was the last runner on the team.  The rest of the team is with him getting ready to cross the finish line.

So cold cheering on the Beargrass team!

Ryan and John and their cheering section at the finish line.

Family photo after the finish line.  Addie is wearing Jeremy's medal.  It was hard work for her! :)

The following weekend Jeremy went on his annual guys' camping trip.  So a few of us got our kids together for dinner and crafts.  

Sweet photos of Kate, Emery and Ella (Terrianne's kids).


The kids loved painting pumpkins.

Kate did manage to get paint on her actual pumpkin not just on herself and the table. :)
I also spent some time at the Pretty Accessories Salon.  Looks good, huh?
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