We have officially started a new phase in our lives. We now have a car seat in the backseat of our Volvo and baby monitors in our family room and bedroom. My how our lives have changed drastically over the past year and I know the biggest change has even happened yet!
We didn't do too much for Valentine's Day this year. Since we had our nice dinner out the weekend before we decided to just stay in. Jeremy made me dinner and then painted my toe nails! Pretty sad that little tasks like these (along with putting on pants and shoes) now are so much more complicated. I really have enjoyed every phase in this pregnancy, it's just that I am ready to not have a bowling ball under my shirt. When the nurses in the hospital ask me where I got my pedicure I will just brag on my husband!
Once again NO CHANGE at the doctor's office. I have another appointment scheduled for Friday. I guess then we will talk about how long I wait or if we induce. Jeremy and I are a little freaked out because everyone keeps reminding us of the full moon on Thursday. According to Jeremy's brother's girlfriend, Jenny, who is a Labor & Delivery nurse, the barometric pressure really does cause more women's waters to break. I think I will be on edge all day. One thing is for sure, she'll come on her own time.
I am continuing to work this week. We'll see how things go after Friday's doctor's visit to see about next week. I figure it is better to work and get things done then to just sit around and wait.
I will post pictures tomorrow of the nursery (finished until she arrives and I can put more things on the walls) and of my "huge" belly. Our camera just died right before I got ready to upload them. I say "huge" because the young cashier in Target told me twice on Saturday, "You are HUGE" and then proceeded to ask if she could touch my belly without waiting for my response...and yes, she touched it. I really don't mind when anyone I know touches my belly, but I did not like it when a stranger did it ESPECIALLY after telling me I am huge!!!
With everyday I am getting more and more anxious to meet this baby that has been growing in my belly since June. When I feel her move I find myself daydreaming of what her little feet will look like, will she have curly hair?, will she look like one of us immediately? and so on. Pregnancy truly is a miracle and I feel blessed that we are fortunate to be on this journey.
Love to you all!
So it's about time, notes from a soon to be father. I will admit, Laura has been great about keeping everyone up to date on the progression of this experience. So I guess it's truly about time seeing we're almost at the end of the tunnel that I post something. This has been an amazing journey for Laura and I, we were so excited when we realized she was pregnant, then it set in...wow! we're going to be parents. Then it REALLY set in, someone is going to be completely dependent on us for everything; and yet, it really hasn't totally set in, it won't until she's born because we'll finally see this amazing bundle of joy and love we'll call our daughter.
The nursery has been pretty fun to work on, it really didn't feel like work. Some afternoons I could hardly wait to get home to continue to work on the nightstands for her. I'm sure my love for woodworking had nothing to do with that though. Laura was very patient with me while I worked on the room. I can be bad about waiting until the last minute... but I knew better on this one. I couldn't chance it if baby decided to make an early arrival. Everything is done now, and has been I'm proud to say for a few weeks as hopefully you've all seen on the blog. As a side note, the cherry tables I've built hold a special place for me, these are the first pieces I built in which I fell the trees and had the lumber milled. I've followed the progression of these tables from standing tree to finished product.
With all this excitement waiting here at the end for the birth of our daughter, I haven't noticed that spring is almost here. Ladies make sure my guys know I'll still be playing golf, most of my friends will never see this blog, only here about it from their wives or girlfriends, so pass that along. I'm sure I'll still play, just not so much.
Well at any rate, thanks for listening or reading our blog, thanks to my wonderful wife for this blog but more importantly for our baby, and thanks be to God for this wonderful baby girl about to be in our lives. So with that, stay by the phone and say a prayer for a safe delivery.