Thursday, August 28, 2014

Michigan: Part 3

Still trying to tackle our Michigan vacation on the blog.  The formatting is a little messed up because I used iphone and my camera pictures.  On Tuesday it was pretty chilly and windy (high of 64) so we decided to go to Warren Dunes State Park.  It was only about 20-30 minutes away.  I have never seen sand dunes before and I was quite surprised how big they were.

Headed up to towards the top.

I am at the top trying to get a picture of my mom and Addie.  The kids ran down the dunes and climbed back up. 

Kate was not impressed with the dunes because it was so windy.  Jeremy and I took turns carrying her up the hill.  Talk about a workout!  Shew!

Once we were at the very top and behind some trees it wasn't as windy. 

Does it look like the Caribbean? I could not believe how blue the water was.

It was also crazy to think that the water was actually a lake made from a glacier.  God's creation is incredible!

Family pic.  Yes, we have sweatshirts on in July.

Grandpa didn't make it all the way up the dunes.  It was a tough hike and he recently had eye surgery so we didn't want him getting sand in his eye.  Grammy was determined to tackle it and she did.

Told you Kate didn't like the wind.  Ha!

On the way down.  Another workout for Jeremy.

David tried to run down the dune.  It ended up looking more like a bunny hop.  It cracked us up.

This dude was hang gliding.  Crazy!

We took a break and ate our picnic lunch.  Afterwards we went on a hike in the park.

The hike led us close to the water.  It was a beautiful area.

On the way back we stopped at Oink's in New Buffalo.  It was recommended by multiple people. It was the cutest ice cream shop.  It was decorated with lots of ice cream scoops, machines, etc. and had pigs everywhere.  Even the parking spots were named after pigs (Porky, Miss Piggy, etc.).  And apparently Joe Biden stopped in a couple of years ago.

By the late afternoon the wind died down and some of the group went golfing while we cooked dinner.  Addie went golfing for the first time along with Jeremy, David, Dylan and my mom.  Addie did great, but when she saw Carrie, Kate, Dawson and I on the playground around hole 6 she stopped and stayed with us.  I guess she had enough.  Kate liked catching up with them for a hole by the playground. 

Dylan enjoyed himself.  He played a couple of times during the week.  I think he liked being with the older guys (Jeremy and David) on the course. 

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