Wednesday, January 11, 2012

23rd and Christmas Eve

December is a busy time and it gets really busy at my work. I had a hard time getting everything done during the month and didn't get to do everything I had set out to do. I baked for the first time on December 23rd. Isn't that sad? Don't get me wrong, we still got to do some fun things. I told Jeremy next year I am taking 1-2 days off in October to Christmas shop! :)

Addie baking sugar cookies on the 23rd.  She LOVES baking!

On Christmas Eve we went to Jamie & Gary's house (Leigh's mom and stepdad) for an open house.    We exchanged gifts with them and Addie got this scarf.  Chad knitted it...I mean Leigh did...we told him that would take away his man card if he told people that.  Ha!  Isn't it so sweet?

We tried to get a family photo, but I am in the sun, Kate is looking down and Addie is being silly. Oh well.

We then headed to church.  Addie sang with Melody Makers at the beginning of the service.  My favorite moment of the whole Christmas season was at the end of the service singing "Silent Night" with Kate asleep in my arms (she had a cold, poor thing) while Jeremy held Addie.  Addie said, "Mommy, I know this song" and she continued to sing along by candlelight.  Puts everything in perspective. It brought tears to my eyes thinking of all of our blessings while celebrating the Christ-child. Earlier in the month she asked me how old Jesus would be on Christmas.  I told her that is a difficult answer, but we celebrate his birthday.  She responded with, "Does Jesus live in my heart?"

After the service we went out to Jeremy's aunt's house.  Santa came for a visit.  Abigail hated him!  Ha!

Addie talking to Santa

Sweet photo of Layton.  He isn't always ornery afterall. :)

 Josie playing with Kate.  She loves kids!

We finally got home and had to get the girls to bed, but not without first putting out cookies, milk and carrots.

Addie was definitely excited and was understanding the idea of Santa.  She had been in her bedroom for about 5 minutes and then proceeded to yell, "Daddy! Da-ddy! DADDY!"  Jeremy went to her door and she asked, "Is Santa here yet?" Not quite getting all of the concepts.

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