Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weekend Part 1: Beargrass family night

Our church had a family night luau style last Friday night. There was a potluck, games, arts & crafts and then a movie afterwards. We didn't stay for the movie to get Addie to bed...which resulted in a lovely tantrum...we have a lot of those these days. :) It was fun time for all. My cousin Steven does the children's ministry at our church and he does such a wonderful job!

Check out this face...I would smile like that too after a cookie and a cupcake! Geez!

The arts & craft activity...pouring colored sand into the cross necklace. Addie was so proud!

And these are just some of the kids...

Lucy and Addie ADORE each other! Lucy stayed by Addie's side the whole time helping her with the games (Addie was one of the younger ones there). Lucy is in the second grade and is such a sweet girl. Her dad was one of my high school sponsors when I was in the high school youth group. They are such a wonderful family!

In line to bowl...the adults were the bowling pins. :)

Lucy helping Addie with the obstacle course

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